Development of local information systems of RosAtom LNPP
We have created revolutionary artificial intelligence software for nuclear power plants!
Our innovative product represents a smart solution for Rosatom, using artificial intelligence algorithms to perform calculations and research on ion resin samples.
The result of the project was to provide users with access to the system for recording and analyzing low-level events at the Leningrad NPP through a Web application without the need to install additional software.
The main objective of the project is to implement user interface functions and data processing using artificial intelligence based on prototypes of existing desktop applications, in order to subsequently launch them using a browser without installing specialized software on user computers.
The client module is launched via a web browser built into the system using the http protocol. The main requirements for the browser are support for the HTML5 and CSS3 standard.
The application is developed in Java version 1.8 and uses the following external libraries:
The final solution is a robust tool for performing complex mathematical calculations, specifically tailored to Rosatom’s needs.